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Spiritual Healing...


In 4 Simple Steps:




'Service Request Form'.



Choose your payment option.



Receive e-mail confirmation,

and additional guidance (if required).



Your spiritual healing will be channelled.


Timing Guide: Channelling will usually begin within 24 hours, and completed within 2 days of request. If you have any highly resistant spiritual energy blockages more than one session may be required.


Your patience is always appreciated, as great care is taken in conducting this service for you.


Please read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before making your request. By sending this form you are agreeing to both the terms and conditions and privacy policy of this web site.

Service Request Form:

*Your privacy matters. Your details will be kept confidential and never shared with anyone else.

Thanks! Message sent.


Choose Your Payment Option

Please Note: Your payment will be converted to your own currency, 'before' you confirm this transaction.



Option 1:



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Option 2:


This option is available to ensure that this service remains available to everyone who is in need of spiritual assistance.


If you are requesting this service for the 'first time', and you are unable to pay the full amount required. 


You can use the 'Buy Now' button below to make a donation of your choice.



Make Your Donation

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Thank you for your purchase.

You will receive confirmation of your order via e-mail.


Spiritual Healing Service

£35 (concessions available)



If you are feeling overwhelmed or struggling to find the energy to cope with the challenges of your life, spiritual healing will energetically assist you in gaining the emotional strength that you need to pass through this difficult phase of your life. You will be energetically supported, in gaining freedom from any hindering spiritual blockages, that are holding you back from greater well-being, productivity, or progress.

Spiritual healing works in connection with your spiritual energy field to bring you into a more unified and balanced state of being, which will initiate a positive upward spiral in your life. This raises your soul's vibration and increases your spiritual currency, which will energetically strengthen you in a way that makes it easier for you to deal with life's challenges.

If you are feeling a lack of direction or motivation, stressed, exhausted, emotionally deflated, lacking confidence, or feeling excessively alone, all of these are symptoms of a potential spiritual blockage, which can be alleviated  by spiritual intervention. Receiving spiritual healing will assist you in making the changes required to release from restrictive or negative patterns that are repeating in your life or holding back your potential for success.

Shifting your soul's vibration onto a higher frequency, will enable you to gain any additional energy, courage, strength, or focus that you require to get things done. If you have any up coming events that you wish to be spiritually supported through then this service will be of value to you. This spiritual intervention can help you with increasing  your confidence, faster recovery after an illness, boosting your productivity, and more.

Through connecting with your aura and recharging your spiritual force-field, you will become more harmonised with the natural flow of the creative spiritual energy of the universe, and gain the momentum that you need to move forward with your life and accomplish your goals.

When requesting this service, you will receive additional spiritual guidance (sent to you by e-mail) if required, to further assist you through this process.

For concessions on your spiritual healing choose payment 'Option 2' after completing the service request form below.


For further information about psychic readings please see:


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